- The Department of Electronic, Electrical and Automatic Engineering was
established when the Rovira i Virgili University was created in 1991.
The Department of Electronics, Electrical and Automatic Control Engineering was
established when the Rovira i Virgili University was created in 1991. In 1973, when the
of Tarragona appeared, it was attached to the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (then
of Barcelona). That universitary school came from what was, by then, the Labour
University founded by the Ministry of Labor in 1956, That first school offered studies of
Industrial Engineering in the specialties of Mechanics, Electricity and Chemistry.
In 1991, the Parliament of Catalonia created the Rovira i Vigili University. The
Universitary School of Informatics of Tarragona, then dependent of the UB (University
of Barcelona) and the Industrial Engineering Universitary School, both disappear, and
their studies, apart from the aforementioned specialty of Industrial Chemistry, were
absorbed by the current School of Engineering.
Aerial view of the Labor University.
The Department, a partial view of its hall.
A classroom of the ETSE at the Labour University.
In 1995, the ETSEQ was created by segregating the degrees in chemical engineering
and industrial technical engineering on chemistry, which were taught by the newly
created School of Chemical Engineering (ETSEQ). Technical industrial engineering
studies remained in the ETSE. Since then many other degrees and masters have been
taught at both schools.
Inauguration of the 95-96 academic year, chairmenl table.
Inauguration of the academic year 95-96, attendees.
In the chairmen table, we can see Dr. Luís Martínez-Salamero, who later became
director of the ETSE, the former rector Dr. Joan Arola, and Mr. Joan Garcia, former
president of the College of Technical Industrial Engineers of Tarragona. Among the
audience, in the first and second row, we can see Dr. Javier Maixé-Altés, who was
professor of the department and former director of the ETSE, and also, all the former
directors of our department, such as Dr. Xavier Correig, Dr. Josep Pallarès (current
rector), Dr. Lluís Marsal, and Dr. Brezmes.
Computer room at the Labour University.
In 2001, the DEEEA department and the ETSE school moved to their new facilities
located in the Sescelades Campus.
Building under construction on the Sescelades Campus.
Visit of authorities to the new campus during the inauguration of the ETSE, and the
ETSEQ. There, we can see the former president of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Mr.
Jordi Pujol, the former regional minister Andreu Mas-Colell, the former rector Dr. Joan
Arola, and the former director of the ETSE Dr. Josep Domingo, among others. In the
photo shown below, you can also see Mr. Josep Gomis, who among other positions,
was also Minister of Governance of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and president of the
Social Council of the URV.
In 2006, the ETSE celebrated its first graduation ceremony.
The Sescelades Campus today.
In 2014, the ETSE Exhibition Space (Hall Building E4) was inaugurated, there it must be
observed the historical trajectory of our School and our degrees and masters.